6 Ways to Securely Share Your Sensitive Files in 2023

file encrypt feature

Even though breaches are happening more frequently now, it is clear that businesses are still not adequately prepared for them. It is crucial to have secure file sharing for business documents, customer information, and SaaS data. But when you need to share these valuable resources with others, how can you do so without compromising your organization’s security?

CMMC Compliance: What You Need to Know

The CMMC Compliance Certification is the Department of Defense’s way of ensuring that organizations are capable and adequately equipped to protect the kind of Controlled Unclassified Information they collect and store.

8 Tips to Protect Your Files on the Cloud

cloud data encryption

Despite all the benefits, we can’t neglect the risks that come with storing your data on the cloud. Many cloud storage providers include various forms of data security, but there are steps that businesses can take to further increase security for their cloud files.

CMMC Data Protection Made Easy

In a world where the enemy looks for every opportunity to steal our nation’s secrets, protecting sensitive information is crucial to defending America. The CMMC tackles this challenge head on. And Anchor helps do it without disrupting your business.

Anchor is the easy and affordable way to protect controlled unclassified information for CMMC compliance so that you can get back to doing what you do best, protecting America.

What is Doxware and How Does it Differ from Ransomware?

User protects data against doxware attack on the device.

Doxware takes ransomware to the next, most lucrative level. Doxware takes a different approach from ransomware in that these attackers do not intend to give your data back to you after complying with payment. Not only does an attacker hold your valuable data up for a hefty price, but they also threaten to release it to risky third-party sites.

What To Do After You Complete the Self-Assessment in the CMMC Assessors Guide

Personnel work on CMMC compliance in the server room. The computer displays show security coding.

Working as a contractor for the Department of Defense (DoD) can be a rewarding and lucrative path. However, in order to reap these rewards, you will have to first comply with the Cybersecurity Model Maturity Certification (CMMC) framework, which is overseen by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (OUSD-A&S). […]

What Do External Collaborators (Subcontractors) Do Once the Project is Over

Laptop user shows denied access, created by removing access for terminated employees.

*Picture this: Your IT team locks down all internal devices and networks, your employees perform top-tier data security protocols, and secure file sharing business tactics are baked into the behavior of your company. Though your day-to-day practices are up to snuff, you forget to consider a comprehensive plan for removing access for terminated employees, both […]